Saturday, November 3, 2012

Artventure at Pinto :)

I get these random impulses to do things or visit places. Yesterday, it was a visit to the Pinto Art Museum which is about 15 minutes away from my house. My friends and I have been considering visiting for a while now but our schedules made it difficult to do so together. I never had the patience for scheduling/rescheduling so I just went on my own. 

Upon arriving though, I realized that going there by myself was not such a bad idea, it's the type of place where one can muse freely surrounded by everything beautiful. I think talking would take away something from the experience. The thing about places like this is that it always takes me to another place, or dimension, or world. haha! but seriously, it is so peaceful there that I forgot about all my worries for the few hours I stayed. 

Very few people were there when I visited, you can sit and stay in any corner at your pleasure. Bring a book to read, or your pen to write, or simply your imagination to dream. Cos this is the perfect place to do so :) 

The artworks were very modern, made using different mediums. The themes were quite varied but all very relate-able. I have never been that inclined to the arts (although I do looove everything b-e-a-u-tifuuul!!) but I was able to appreciate the pieces more than I expected. Each one of them takes you to a different place, showing different aspects of the Philippine society. 

Used my phone to take photos. Sorry :) 

Someone tell me why I like this painting a lot.  haha

My education says this is stupid (unless this refers to God). But I'm saying, I would like to date an artist. haha 

Much much nicer in person! 

Reminds me of Lady Gaga's stage sets :P

They have a cafe inside the museum. It's actually Bizu so they have the bestest raspberry macarons :) I read a couple of chapters of Poisonwood Bible and I think I'm going to like Ruth May Price very much. Her introduction goes "My name is Ruth May and I hate the Devil. For the longest time I used to think that my name was Sugar. Mama always says that Sugar, come here a minute. Sugar, now don't do that." 

Pinto Cafe

Going up the cafe 

I stayed til sunset. Definitely one of my most favorite places in Region 4A ;) 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Thank you

Thank you joanne for this collage :P 

Thank you for putting up with me, my often awful attitude and my bipolar tendencies.
For letting me have my way and keeping mum when my insecurity issues arise and I go crazy.
For soothing my ego when it is so easy to just turn your back and leave me be.
Thank you for helping me grow.

Thank you for celebrating the smallest successes with me.
for giving a reassuring smile whenever I feel lost.
for genuinely being happy for me for every milestone I reach.
and for looking at me with great encouragement whenever I feel like I've hit rock bottom.
Thank you for believing in me.

Thank you for listening to the most useless stories about my life.
And for doing so without any judgment.
For asking me how I have been every so often.
For the text messages and phone calls when I need them most.
Thank you for caring.

Thank you for being real.
For accepting me for who I am no matter my shortcomings.
For teaching me that substance is more important than the superficial.
For showing me what real friendship means.
Thank you for being a friend.

And most of all, no matter how much or how little, thank you for loving me.
Thank you for loving me without expecting anything in return.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

'The Last Time I'll Fall in Love'

The Church, unlike most, has a very vibrant feel to it and it is beautiful. A full orchestra is playing in the background making the atmosphere dreamy and quite romantic. A red carpet runs from the altar down to the entrance. And the aisles ware laced with sheer white fabric and calla lilies. In front of the Church awaits a white beetle which will later transport the new husband and wife. 

The bride, as tradition requires, is wearing a white princess dress. The train of her veil extends several meters behind her as she walks on the red carpet. Her hair up to accentuate her neck and chest that the off-shoulder dress she is wearing has left uncovered. In her hands is a bouquet of simple yet elegantly arranged red roses. This is her day. 

The groom, dressed in a white suite was eagerly waiting for her at the altar, he waits patiently for a few more minutes before they start the ceremony that will make her his wife. 

It was my first time to attend a wedding. And it was magical - full of promise and sincere emotions. Marriage has never really crossed my mind. Simply because it seems so.. difficult. How do you know when you've met the one or that it's the last time you'll fall in love? But this wedding was not about that. It serves as an exciting beginning to their life as a couple. I believe that knowing that there's one person who'll love you unconditionally and who'll be there no matter what in a way that nobody else can, is very reassuring.  

Chris, Belle and the entourage. 

Mr and Mrs Sarmiento!

Just before leaving the Church 

The bridesmaid and her boyfriend :) 

Collins with the newlyweds


The bridesmaid again, desperately trying not to lose (but did) 

LOVE <3>

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fridate at Sutra

Good food and good company, a lovely way to start my weekend. 

Being single, of course, Fridate was with these two pretty ladies. Conversation the whole evening jumped between career and boys. But it was mostly boys. haha 

Unfortunately, I was a little late and so I'm not really sure what the names of the dishes we ordered were. I didn't bother to ask but they were all scrumptious. The theme of the place is very Asian but modern. For the food, it seems that they specialize in fusion cuisine which makes each dish have very interesting and unexpected flavors. 

My friend Kayla, took these photos of our dinner before we indulged ourselves. They're as delicious as they look! 

Tasted like ground raw salmon but I can't be sure. Very very delicious :)

Kani and fish rolls with caviar on top.

Chicken and fried potatoes with mild curry and salisbury - like tasting sauce.

Chorizo and button mushrooms.

We ordered some cocktails and then moved to a cafe. We spent hours and hours talking, I don't even remember what about exactly. It was a very light conversation. And it was a very pleasant evening.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

old mysterious enigmatic little things

The first time I went to Cubao Expo was in 2008 - I was organizing a lomography competition for Tugon. Cubao Expo, I was told, is one of those places for people who like indie or not so mainstream types of art and music so I wanted to see if we could promote the competition there during one of their shows or exhibits. 

I passed by Cubao Expo again earlier while running an errand. I knew there were a lot of thrift/antique stores there, and I really like old stuff - photos, paintings, furnitures, trinkets, everything! I guess because these things seem to have so much personality and history. old mysterious enigmatic little things. 

The Grand Thrift House display

Cubao Expo is a small U-shaped street. There are a few stores selling mostly shoes, clothes and antiques but there are also restaurants in the area for either dinner or drinks. They oftentimes close the street to hold events such as concerts or have tiangges in the evening too.

Cubao Expo

Digital old style telephone. Isn't it so cute? 

A very nice vespa parked in front of Bellini's, couldn't resist taking a photo. :)
Bellini's is an Italian restaurant in Cubao Expo and friends have been telling me how delicious their dishes are. I didn't want to eat dinner alone but since I was already there, I decided to do so anyway. I ordered a 12-inch Salciccia pizza and it was so sooo good, I was able to appreciate the use of fresh ingredients in preparing food, it tasted so different and so much better than what other (even high-end and more expensive) Italian restaurants usually serve.

Bellini's dining area
 The dining area had photos, newspaper clippings, paintings and wine on display.

Another dining room

Since I was alone, I was able to think a lot about life in general and sort some stuff out. The past few days have been frustrating for me. A loved one passing on, not being able to go where I wanted to go or not being where I want to be and most especially wanting something you know you can never have so sooo bad.  I mean, how do people deal with that? But there are also a lot of good things in my life. And the only thing I could do is make the most out of what I have right here, right now. The future is a whole different story.

Amazing Salciccia. Yum!

Despite everything, I am quite happy right now. Because first, I just had the best pizza ever and second, I just had some much needed me-time. That whole afternoon, I spent my time looking at things that interest me, watching people and eating good food. It was a very nice way to spend my Sunday. And they day before that, I went to my friend's fun birthday party. I should spend my weekends like this more often. :)

Joanne's 23rd and Victoria's 6th birthday :) 

"Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten"

Dear Pang, 

I'm so sorry. I miss you everyday. 

Your Camille.