Friday, April 8, 2011

Summer Lovin' in Davao & Bataan

Because this is the first summer since we we all started working. And since we're all young and free and independent young adults. And since it's already summer. We decided that we all needed to have some fun! :D

Our first trip was in -and I quote Kat- "DAVAO BEYBEEHH"

Our Davao trip was the sequel to the North Luzon trip we had around the same time last year just before graduation (i can't believe it's been a year!). It being completely unplanned made added excitement to it and besides I really needed a break from my crazy work schedule. We booked our flights 2 days before and none of us had any idea what the plan was until several hours after we landed (except cesar who planned everything haha). Still in my office clothes, we arrived around 9pm and checked in to our room, had dinner and ate the bestest buttered chicken ever!

On saturday morning, we went to the market to buy Durian, its strong smell lingered inside our room the whole day and I just loved it. absolutely loved it. We left the comforts of our air conditioned room and beds to (what else) but hit the beach! :) Samal Island, about a few minutes from the coast. After which, we had dinner at Lachie's (I fell in love with their choco vanilla cheesecake. I have never ever tasted any cheesecake that good in my life. OA ahah. but true.)

The next day, we were supposed to go to the crocodille farm, but none of us wanted to see crocodilles so we went to like an uphill place, talked over coffee and listen to our new found friends tell ghost stories. boo!

Kat and I. Nice photo, right?

Kat, Cesar and Kayla having fun by the shore.

Reuel and Kayluh. When the boys said they were gonna take care of lunch, I though we were gonna grill. haha! but canned tuna paella was delicious too! :)

Sunny doing a hand stand and Cesar (I'm not sure what he's doing) :P

It was a super short trip, I wish we could have stayed longer and done more. But Monday arrived too fast. Maybe next time :D


At a lovely beach with my lovely ladies

More recently I had another beach trip with my highschool friends. I was completely unaware of the beautiful white sand beaches and coves in Bataan. I was expecting that we would be visiting a place that was more.. humble.... or at least something less perfect. BUT Bataan was just beautiful. We went to Camaya Island and since our host, Epza was friends with the owner(?) we got a slight special treatment. Speed boat, hotel suite, personal butlers, mouth-watering lunch and anything we wanted. It was crazy.

just before our feet hit the powdery white sand.

Our hotel suite common area

by the pool

lunch by the beach?

Everyone was having a great time and for a moment there, while we were sipping juice and having lunch on our table by the beach, we felt like the girls from Sex and the City haha!

Before the day ended, we went back to Epza's house in Bataan where her Mom also has a restaurant. It's pretty unique, each group or customer can get a nipa hut where their food will be served. and the food. was. just. HEAVENLY.

Aurora's restaurant

I'm not sure if I'm gonna be going out again for the rest of the summer because I'm saving for a trip in June. But I've had two amazing ones and I'm quite happy already! So maybe i'll just amuse myself with baking, plants and my dogs for the rest of the season. I'm also starting to learn to cook, so that's another hobby to kill time with. Or maybe I can just continue being a workhorse. haha

But honestly, more than just visiting the places, I'm glad to have gone there with great friends. and simple get togethers near our places of work would be good enough for me. for now.