Saturday, September 8, 2012

'The Last Time I'll Fall in Love'

The Church, unlike most, has a very vibrant feel to it and it is beautiful. A full orchestra is playing in the background making the atmosphere dreamy and quite romantic. A red carpet runs from the altar down to the entrance. And the aisles ware laced with sheer white fabric and calla lilies. In front of the Church awaits a white beetle which will later transport the new husband and wife. 

The bride, as tradition requires, is wearing a white princess dress. The train of her veil extends several meters behind her as she walks on the red carpet. Her hair up to accentuate her neck and chest that the off-shoulder dress she is wearing has left uncovered. In her hands is a bouquet of simple yet elegantly arranged red roses. This is her day. 

The groom, dressed in a white suite was eagerly waiting for her at the altar, he waits patiently for a few more minutes before they start the ceremony that will make her his wife. 

It was my first time to attend a wedding. And it was magical - full of promise and sincere emotions. Marriage has never really crossed my mind. Simply because it seems so.. difficult. How do you know when you've met the one or that it's the last time you'll fall in love? But this wedding was not about that. It serves as an exciting beginning to their life as a couple. I believe that knowing that there's one person who'll love you unconditionally and who'll be there no matter what in a way that nobody else can, is very reassuring.  

Chris, Belle and the entourage. 

Mr and Mrs Sarmiento!

Just before leaving the Church 

The bridesmaid and her boyfriend :) 

Collins with the newlyweds


The bridesmaid again, desperately trying not to lose (but did) 

LOVE <3>