Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cooking is such sweet sorrow!

Women in my family are such bad cooks! Including *ehem* me. I tried cooking once or twice when I was younger and what I made were barely edible (but come to think of it, so was my baking). So I wanted to give cooking another try now that I'm older and ta-da! it turned out fine! I cooked pork ribs in dijon sauce with herbed potatoes as a side dish (i even took out our good china just for this momentous event!).

And of course, I made dessert!

It's a red velvet cupcake!

And my friend made yema with the unused egg yolks

AND THAT WAS MY SUNDAY LUNCH! I was already too tired to enjoy eating but I had so much fun baking and cooking that it doesn't even matter. I ended the day watching Easy A but I watched so many previews that I already knew the story and most of the punchlines. haha! It was great nonetheless and I just love Ema Stone!