Saturday, May 25, 2013

For the love of pots!

Due to our laziness to see more temples while walking under the scorching sun and intense humidity, my friend and I tried pottery while in Siem Reap. I never wanted to take classes here in Manila cos it was just too expensive. It's like, why the heck should I pay that much to make a freakin' pot?! The 15USD fee in Cambodia was much much more acceptable. 

I have been wanting to try it for a while and I must say, I really enjoyed it. It's always a great experience whenever I get the chance to create something. The first ones I made were a small pot, a candle holder and a tiny vase! :) And I think they're quite pretty.

A couple of weeks after, (and to my excitement) I found out that there's a nearby place that offers pottery workshops at an affordable cost. Corner Store Pottery Farm is in Cavite  and so my friends and I went to visit as soon as we could! 

We only had to pay 750 and the owner taught us different styles of doing pottery in about 3 hours. Since I have tried the wheel already, I wanted to focus on the other methods such as pinching and coiling. But in all honesty, the products were not that pretty. Next time, I'll stick to the wheel. :) haha

Corner Stone Pottery Farm!

The first time, I tried the wheel again. I just made a pot (again) and tried to carve out designs to make it nicer. But I got bored with what I was doing and decided to go on with the other methods. The products of which, I do not have a photo of. Simply because... they're embarrassing to show. :p

Gail, Chino and Kat tried the wheel also! They really enjoyed it and used it again for their remaining clay.


Gaila proud of her creation :) 

Me on the wheel!

The thing is, they take a month before the glaze your pots! They need to fill their oven (which is huge) before firing so it's understandable that it will really take a while. I'm very excited to get them through! 

After the lessons, we had a late lunch in Bag of Beans. Awesome food, I must say! I got something like a breakfast medley, and I finished it in a matter of minutes. Oh, the view was very beautiful as well. 

I think that right now, I enjoy these types of activities most. More than spending money on night outs on drinks and over priced food, I would rather create things and explore and do something I have never done before. It's quite refreshing, in a way. Knowing that there's always something to learn during each bonding experience with friends would definitely add value to the activity and to our friendship. 

As inspired by the photo above, I am planning to go to The Flower Farm in Tagaytay. And given that my driving perimeter is nowhere near Tagaytay, I need to find someone willing to drive. Anyone? :)