Saturday, September 13, 2014

Falling in love with Coron

Best trip I have had by far. 

I was so enamored by the overwhelming beauty surrounding me. I found myself wondering how the locals of Coron could be so modest when they have so much to be proud of and brag about - but then again, maybe that's why they were blessed with such beautiful landscapes.

I arrived in the unassuming town of Coron a little before lunch. I settled in my room and set out to reserve spots for my tours at Coron Galeri. I was a bit disappointed that they did not have Sea Cow Watching tours but I figured there's so much more too see anyway. 

I climbed up Mt. Tapyas around 5pm, with a bag of chips in  hand to provide support and energy whenever I feel like giving up ;). Unfortunately for me though, about 200 steps up, it started drizzling. Then it started pouring. Then I had to run down the steps like a crazy woman so that I don't get drenched. It stopped after a few minutes though. 

They say, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain. And a rainbow, I got :) What a beautiful gift on my first day in Coron! 

 I had the moon rising on my left and the sun setting on my right. Worth each of the 700 (+200 the first time) freakin' steps I had to take.
Sunset at Mt. Tapyas
Going down Mt. Tapyas was much more pleasant. I had dinner down the road along the National Road (which was about 7 meters wide). The sinigang was still boiling when they served it! and they have really good avocado shake. 

My second day in Coron started around 8am at the Coron Galeri office. After a few minutes, we walked to the port to start our first tour - which included a visit to the CYC Beach, Twin Peaks Reef, Hidden Lagoon, lunch at Isla Bulungan Beach and finally, the famous Kayangan Lake.

CYC Beach

Twin Peaks Reef

I tried hiding my tummy fat at first. but I've given up at this point. haha

This felt soooo goood!

One of my favorites was Hidden Lagoon. The water was crystal clear, the top part is salt water and the bottom part is fresh water according to the tour assistants (but they're big fat liars, they also said there weren't any jelly fish and I saw one. So can't be sure) .


Lunch time on one of the beautiful islands! :)

Lunch with this view. So amazing. 
 The last stop of the tour was Kayangan Lake. The saying that goes 'Save the best for last' applies here. On top of the hill, we had a very nice view of the limestone formations. And descending into the lake, it. was. immaculate. I could literally see the bottom clearly.

 Imagine swimming in this cool, clear water surrounded by limestone formations. I'd go back just for that.

This tour covered the most popular areas in Coron and I was extremely satisfied. Got super excited for the next day! 

My third day was pretty rainy. I missed the sun so much! It was freakishly cold on the boat and my tropical skin was getting frost bites. kidding but I was really cold!

I took another tour that went to the Lusong Gunboat Wreck, Calumbuyan Island and the Coral Gardens.

View that morning. :O
Lusong Gunboat was not even an actual structure, much less a gunboat! I was so disappointed :( It wasn't that bad but I think I set my expectations too high. A guy I met went wreck diving (scuba) and he was telling us how he was able to go inside of a sunken boat, go through the corridors and rooms. There were event cement mixers on the boat, under the sea! He seemed to have had an amazing time - and I was a bit envious. haha. okay maybe a lot envious - that if I had more days, I probably would've gotten my diving license right then and there. 

Check out my gogglezss. haha was so excited to jump in! The Coral Garden is hiding underneath the water!

Taiwanese guy photobombing.
The typhoon late last year destroyed most of the corals, they are still beautiful but I was hoping to see bigger more colorful ones!

The last stop was for lunch at Calumbuyan Island. There were low trees by the shore and it was very pretty. (By the way, there are jelly fish here! :O )

I seriously am planning to go back next year - with a diving license to see the Dugons and the wrecks :) Coron is just so easy to fall in love with - even if there are jelly fish. haha