Saturday, December 18, 2010

Have yourself a merry little christmas :D

Christmas is my favorite holiday - best food, Christmas songs playing almost everywhere, Christmas decors and shopping for gifts! Aaand, I am happy to announce that Christmas shopping is officially done! I actually started getting gifts in October and still, I only finished 6 days before Christmas! The mall was extremely crowded yesterday and I just hate having to shop like that. Nonetheless, I was ecstatic to finally cross out the very last name on my Christmas list.

Besides gift-giving and lovely weather, these are what I look forward to most during the Christmas season!

Rich and really hot chocolate with marshmallows (they melt the second they're dropped on the drink and I prefer it that way) I dissolve cacao balls in boiling water and to make it more rich, I add semisweet chocolate chips, cinnamon, and lotsaaa sugar. I know I can make it anytime but this drink is just so Christmas-y. And they're just so amazing to have during cool rainy days like today. :)

Bibingkas are available all year round in some restaurants /stalls but I prefer to eat them only during Christmas. I eat them with red eggs and quezo de bola, the ones on top are never enough!

Putobumbong is my favorite. With lost of butter and sugar!

I don't know, but brownies are also a staple in our household during Christmas. Sooo, I baked them! It turned out fine (I didn't like when I tried it while it was still warm, for some reason it is better after it has been cooled overnight oorrrr maybe it's just me haha!). I love that the crust is so shiny and crisp but the brownie itself is very chewy. This recipe has chocolate chips so theres molten chocolate bits here and there so each bite is surprising! But I'm not completely satisfied with the turnout though, while baking, I ran out of vanilla extract (it didn't help that it was 1 in the morning!) so I decided to use almond extract as a substitute- and that stuff is so potent! I have to remind myself to use less of it the next time.

6 days before Christmas and I am soo looking forward to it! Can we skip work until after new year, please? :)